
Document Retrieval Services

Get the paperwork you need hassle-free! At Apostille International, we help you retrieve documents issued in your name in New York City.


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Document Retrieval for Documents issued in New York City

Our company not only can help you legalize your documents through the process of the apostille or embassy legalization, but we are also able to obtain certain documents on your behalf. Please find below a list of documents we can retrieve for you and another list of documents we cannot retrieve for you. For documents that we cannot retrieve, we are listing the websites where you can obtain them or if you are not able to apply online on your own, you can come to our offices by making an appointment and we can help you apply.

Another option if you cannot obtain an original is to apostille a scanned copy of your document, if you are going to use a scanned copy of the document to obtain the apostille, make sure that the entities in the country where you are going to present the document, accept it or if they require to see the original with the apostille.

In either case we can help you get the apostille, just contact us for more information at 1-844-606-8719.

  • Request your quote through the form

  • Provide us with the necessary data for retrieval

  • Receive your document as soon as possible!


  • Marriage Certificates
    If you need us to obtain a Marriage Certificate for you in the City of New York, we can do so. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 1-2 weeks
    Please send us a copy of your Marriage Certificate. If you don’t have a copy of your Marriage Certificate, please send us the following information:

    Your Full Name:
    Your Date of Birth:
    Name of Spouse:
    Spouse Date of Birth:
    Date of Marriage:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Divorce Decrees
    If you need us to obtain a Certified copy of your Divorce Decree for you, we can do it. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 1 week.
    Please send us a copy of your Divorce Decree. If you do not have a copy, please send us the following information:

    Your Full Name:
    Your Date of Birth:
    Name of Spouse:
    Spouse Date of Birth:
    Divorce Date:
    Sentence Index Number:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Certificates of Non- Impediment or Singleness Affidavits
    Certificates of Non-Impediment or Singleness Affidavits are similar documents that are used to confirm that a NY Resident is single or divorced and able to marry abroad.

    The Certificate of Non-Impediment is issued by the City of New York office of the Marriage Bureau, the process can take 1-2 weeks. At the moment the only way to obtain a Non-Impediment Certificate from the City of New York due to the COVID-19 Pandemic is to apply online. You can do so by visiting this website: https://www.nyc.gov/cityclerkformsonline

    Once you obtain it, we are able to help you get an apostille or embassy legalization.

    On the other hand, the Singleness Affidavit is a sworn statement signed by you and notarized by us. This option is also acceptable to some countries, if this option is acceptable by the entities that you are working with abroad please come to our office so we can help you process it. We are able to assist you right away, as this process is done in our office and the price is $40 plus apostille fees.

    Once the document is drafted by us and signed by you, we can start the process of the apostille.

    Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Name Changes
    If you need us to obtain a Certified Copy of a Name Change issued in the City of New York, we can do so. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 1-2 weeks due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Please send us a copy of your original Name Change document. If you don’t have a copy of it, please send us the following information:

    Your Full Name:
    Your Date of Birth:
    Date of issuance:
    City and County where it was issued:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Civil Judgments
    If you need us to obtain a Certified Copy of a Civil Judgment issued in the City of New York, we can do so. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 1-2 weeks due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Please send us a copy of your original Civil Judgment document. If you don’t have a copy of it, please send us the following information:

    Your Full Name:
    Your Date of Birth:
    Date of issuance:
    City and County where it was issued:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Family Court documents
    If you need us to obtain a Certified Copy of Family Court documents issued in the City of New York, we can do so. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 1-2 weeks due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Please send us a copy of your original Family Court document. If you don’t have a copy of it, please send us the following information:

    Your Full Name:
    Your Date of Birth:
    Date of issuance:
    City and County where it was issued:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Surrogates Court documents
    If you need us to obtain a Certified Copy of Surrogates Court documents issued in the City of New York, we can do so. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 2-3 weeks.

    Please send us a copy of your original Surrogates Court document. If you don’t have a copy of it, please send us the following information:

    Decedent Full Name:
    Date of Death:
    Last Known address:
    Date of issuance:
    City and County where it was issued:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.

  • Diplomas & Transcripts
    If you need us to obtain a Certified Copy of your Diploma or Transcripts issued in a New York City College or High School you attended, we can do so. We will need an authorization signed by you and a copy of your passport. This service is $200 in addition to the apostille and it takes 1 week.

    Please send us the following information to start your process:

    Your Full Name:
    Your Date of Birth:
    Graduation date:
    List years transcripts need to show:
    College or High School where it was issued:

    We need this information to start processing your order. Please contact us for further instructions.


  • Birth Certificates or Death Certificates
    For the process of apostilling a birth or death certificate issued in the City of New York, you must first have an original birth or death certificate issued by the NYC Department of Health. We can assist you to get an apostille as long as the document is an original issued by the City of New York. However, if you don’t have an original, the only way to obtain it at the moment is to apply online through the Vital Records Office website http://www.vitalchek.com

    Once you are in that page, you will be asked the purpose of why you need it for, and you must select: APOSTILLE/AUTHENTICATION. By selecting this option, the system will automatically send an original certificate with a LETTER OF EXEMPLIFICATION, this letter is an extra verification that is required to get an apostille for newly issued documents. Once you get both the original certificate with a letter of exemplification, you can send it to us or bring it in person to our office so that we can apostille it.

    The Vital Records Office takes 2 weeks to process an original Birth or Death Certificate with a LETTER OF EXEMPLIFICATION. To order the certificate you will need a debit or credit card with a United States address since they will send the certificate to the same address on the card (billing address). Or if you have a credit or debit card from another country, you can also use it, but they will mail the document to that country.

    If you are in New York City, you can go in person and obtain your Birth Certificate if you were born within the 5 Boroughs of NYC (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island). You can go to NYC Department of Health at 125 Worth St New York, NY and show your identification as only the owners of the birth certificate, a parent or spouse can obtain originals.

    You can also come to our offices, and we can help you apply online if you cannot do it on your own. You can come to our offices by making an appointment, this service will be $100 plus governmental fees (approximately $50).

  • NYPD Certificate of Conduct or NYS Criminal History Record
    There are two types of Criminal Records you can obtain in the State of New York, one is issued by the New York Police Department and the other one is issued by the New York State Criminal Justice Department.

    A NYPD Certificate of Conduct is issued to verify the criminal record of New York City resident only (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island). To obtain a NYPD Certificate of Conduct, you must apply directly with the New York Police Department, you can obtain it through their website: https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/services/law-enforcement/record-requests.page

    A NYS Criminal History Record is issued to verify the criminal record of New York State residents (All other counties). If you need a NYS Criminal History Record, you can obtain it directly through NY State’s website: https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/ojis/recordreview.htm

    If you need help applying for a NYPD Certificate of Conduct or NYS Criminal History Record, you can come to our offices by making an appointment, this service will be $100 plus governmental fees (approximately $50).

  • FBI
    If you need to obtain a Criminal Record listing all the states you must obtain an FBI Background Check, you can obtain it directly through the following website: https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks

    If you need help applying for an FBI Background Check, you can come to our offices by making an appointment, this service will be $100 plus governmental fees (approximately $50).

  • Naturalization Certificates
    We can apostille original documents not older than 20 years. If you do not have your original Naturalization Certificate or if its older than 20 years, you need to obtain an new certificate by applying directly with the office of USCIS via: https://www.uscis.gov/n-565

    If you need help applying for a Naturalization Certificate, you can come to our offices by making an appointment, this service will be $200 plus governmental fees (approximately $600).


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